Weather: A few clouds, -12 °C / 9 °F
Local time: 04:51 pm

1120 Hall Mines Road
Nelson, BC - V1L 1G6

1 min from downtown Nelson, BC

* Best Price Guarantee

So Excited – Lifting of Local COVID-19 Restrictions!

After two years we finally see a lifting of COVID-19 restrictions locally and throughout British Columbia.

As of next month – April 8, 2022, at 12:01 am – further COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted around British Columbia. It’s so close to normal, after so much time, we almost have to pinch ourselves that it’s true! So, if you’re planning a trip to Nelson, BC and a lovely stay here at Alpine Inn & Suites, you can enjoy all that our area has to offer almost like it was pre-pandemic.

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