Weather: A few clouds, -4 °C / 24 °F
Local time: 07:32 pm

1120 Hall Mines Road
Nelson, BC - V1L 1G6

1 min from downtown Nelson, BC

* Best Price Guarantee


Reel Adventure fishing charters will take you on a fishing trip you’ll never forget.

Kokanee Creek and Kootenay Lake maintain considerable populations of fish, including the Kokanee salmon, rainbow and cutthroat trout, dolly varden, burbot, and whitefish. Kootenay Lake supports record-sized rainbow trout, and the world’s largest recorded kokanee – almost 10 pounds (4.5 kg) – was taken from the lake. Rainbow trout are also plentiful in Lockhart Creek on the east side of the south arm of Kootenay Lake.

Want to explore the waters of Kootenay lake or the columbia river?

More Information:

Reel Adventures
250 505 4963